These forums allow you to contribute to this site! There are lots of possibilities and we hope you will offer your thoughts and suggestions. The underlined titles below (e.g. "Your Comments") are links, or use the navigation at the top of the page.
Your Comments
We'd like to have your comments about your experience with Dr. Anderson. Perhaps you were a student, perhaps you knew him as a colleague or a neighbor, perhaps you have watched the Krishnamurti videos or read his books. Maybe you have photos you would like to share as well. Feel free to describe your experience with him and/or his teachings in an email to us. Please include your permission to share your statement on the website, and indicate how you would like your name to appear. Full names are fine, initials, avatar, whatever you wish. Please submit your statement by contacting us.
Book Lists
At the link above you will find a list of books Professor Anderson used to mention often. We would also like to collect and offer the book lists from the various classes Dr. Anderson taught. Please help us out with this!
Class Notes
A few students have kindly contributed their class notes. Soon we will make these available. We'd love to have your notes as well, ideally in PDF format. We would also love to have his final exam questions. Remember those?! Please get out your old Blue Books and share!
Kitties and Other Friends
You must be aware that Dr. Anderson loved kitties! We have collected photos of some of his beloved cats as well as photos of student's cats. Please share photos of your kitties or other pets as well. Please include the pet's name and whatever photo credit is appropriate. Use the "contact" link at the top of the page to email your photos.