Media Links
Here are some videos and articles featuring Professor Anderson. Thank you to the many people who have shared these links with us. If you find something that isn't already on this page, please contact us so we can add it.
Krishnamurti videos: segments from Professor Anderson's 18 dialogs with Krishnamurti are on YouTube. Search for "Krishnamurti Anderson" to find about 12 pages of them at this writing. If you dig a little you will also find three other dialogs dating back to 1972 before the series began.
There is a remembrance of Professor Anderson and also recordings of some of his talks given at Inner Directions gatherings. (membership required).
Dr. Anderson reading poetry on St. Patrick's Day at Denis Wills'.
Dr. Anderson narrated the film "Awaken to the Eternal" on the teachings of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
In this hour-long talk given to the Friends of the Library, Dr. Anderson discusses his first impressions upon meeting J. Krishnamurti as well as the teachings and legacy of the influential spiritual lecturer and author 100 years after his birth. Anderson also reads from some of his related writings, and answers several philosophical questions from the audience. The talk is introduced by Irving Alan Sparks, then Department Chair of Religious Studies.
An article published in the SDSU Alumni Association newsletter discusses the Special Collection established at SDSU for Dr. Anderson's work.
The SDSU Allan W. Anderson Special Collection has a growing set of materials. Search for their current holdings here.